Our Vision, Mission and Goals

Our genuine vision for a better world.

Project Volunteer Nepal has the vision that everybody can make a contribution to help people in poverty and misery.
We believe in a world where people from different nations work together for others in need. Volunteering and social work are wonderful opportunities to reach this goal.

But unfortunately, there are many volunteering organisations misusing the idea of helping people in order to make loads of profit. These organisations pretend to offer you volunteering opportunities but in fact they sell you a costly travel adventure. Their initial goal of offering voluntary work is not to help the people in need, but to provide you a satisfactory feeling and to help you gain experience. Their main focus is only on your needs. Because if you are satisfied as a customer, their profit will keep on rising.

To be able to aspire our vision, we have the mission to educate and to inform you about the Danger Of Commercial Voluntourism. Only if you understand what those organisations do, you are able to make better decisions. Check out Who We Do Not Want To Be to learn the differences between Project Volunteer Nepal and many other commercial volunteering organisations.

From our vision to our philosophy

Our vision is important!
Our vision is very important to us!

In order to dissociate ourselves from commercial volunteering companies, we have to focus on our vision. We want to make a real difference and to provide real help that benefits the underprivileged and needy people in Nepal. Volunteering should therefore be a means to an end. Our focus lies on helping others, and not on pretending that your help is needed.

Volunteering with us is for free! You do not need to pay massive amounts of money to volunteer in Nepal or any other developing country. Especially if the amount you need to pay exceeds the yearly income of a Nepalese middle-class family.

Therefore, we have established Five Basic Principles for our non-profit organisation. These principles are our philosophy. We aim to provide voluntary work that is social responsible, effective, sustainable, transparent and free of cost!

Check out Our Philosophy and Who We Are for more information.
For further information you can also just Contact Us.